Company Registration Malaysia
Company registration in Malaysia has become easier and faster. Now, we can deliver your Notice of Registration, as per the Section 15 of the Companies Act 2016, in 3 days. We are specialised in company registration in Malaysia and append below the requirements, process involved and fees we charge for the company registration services.
Malaysia Company Registration Requirements
Each company must have a minimum of ONE (1) resident director of at least 18 years of age, being a natural person with his/her principal place of residence in Malaysia.
Foreigners, corporate or individual, can set up companies in Malaysia.
A company must appoint at least ONE (1) Company Secretary, within 30 days from the date of incorporation.
Business Registration Process in malaysia
​​We need your proposed name(s) for your new company, to conduct the name search with the Companies Commission of Malaysia (CCM) to ascertain the availability of the name.
Normally, it will take around 2 hours to get the response from CCM on the results of the name search.
Upon the name being approved, we need to submit incorporation forms electronically and if all the information submitted is in order, the Notice of Registration will be issued within 1 day.
The whole incorporation process of a company generally takes 3 working days.​
Company Setup Fees for Malaysia
The fee for company registration is RM3,000, inclusive of SST, name search, purchase of secretarial books and all disbursements, with no hidden charges.
Retainer fee is RM100 per month.
Registered office charge is RM50 per month.
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